Sunday, January 24, 2010

"You Don't Know How Lovely You Are"

Hello, hello and welcome to my Sunday!
Thursdays have always been my favorite day of the week, mainly because they are so close to the freedom of the weekend. You may wonder, 'why not Friday then?'. Well, being the planning freak that I tend to be, I prefer Thursdays because that's when I traditionally like to make my weekend plans. Anyway, though I do love my Thursdays, I am also quite fond of Sundays. There are a few reasons for this. First of all, Sunday is the most free of all days, in my opinion. Since most people run on a Monday-Friday schedule with Saturday and Sunday being the two open days, the weekend represents a break from work and school and time for leisure activities. But of course- we all know this. Because the day after Sunday is a work day, Sunday has come to embody more of a day for resting, recovering, and for me: planning, catching up, and preparing for the week ahead. There's something about Sunday that motivates me like no other day. It's when I am my most efficient. It's when I do my above-and-beyond cleaning, (really, who scrubs the wall ABOVE the shower??), when I do most of my homework, plan for the week ahead, organize things, shop, and do everything that I put off during the week. It's also my day when I feel like I can start new things as well. It's a very "fresh" day in my opinion. Anyway, the moral of this short story is that I am very appreciative of this Sunday, and all the Sundays to come, and am very much looking forward to another weekly burst of productivity.

While at Luton airport last week, (Tuesday?), I decided to look around one of the convenience shops and spent some extra time looking over the books section, mainly because there was an unusually large selection of English books. Just one of the many perks of traveling within England : ) Anyway, I ended up buying four books, (all nonfiction), and the one that I have started reading is quite interesting. It is a book about eating, people's relationships with food; some of the science behind cravings, diets, and hunger; and other related topics and studies. I have finished the first part of the book and the second part moves on to a journal type situation encouraging the reader to adopt certain tactics in their attitudes toward food and eating and document any changes in their physical and/or emotional health that these tactics set into motion. I must say, I am very interested to see if the simple yet radical changes proposed have the effects the author claims they will have. Anyway, today being Sunday, I believe it's a great day to begin, so we will see.

I've been feeling so creative in the last few days. Something I'm just beginning to realize is that at my most creative, I tend to feel more isolated than when I'm not feeling so creative. I wonder, is this typical of most people? It seems that it could be a product of the feelings of creativity making a person feel unique and thus slightly more set apart from others... Either way, though I welcome bursts of creativity, I don't care for the sensation that I'm alone. It just opens the door to homesickness... But that's that.

Today I have:
made deviled eggs
organized some of my favorite quotes
listened to an astounding amount of OneRepublic

I miss California. I miss Mom and Dad and coast and sun. See you in 4 months!


Friday, January 22, 2010

"There Ain't No Good Guy, There Ain't No Bad Guy, There's Only You and Me and We Just Disagree"

I am back in Budapest! I arrived late Tuesday night, just in time to go out Wednesday, and foolishly withdraw the second part of my rent money before engaging in a vicious snowball fight in the streets outside Szimpla and effectively losing my purse and its contents in their entirety. That loss aside, the heaters are now fixed in the flat which means I can now comfortably frolic barefoot anywhere in the flat without worrying about cold toes! Thursday I set to work on canceling my credit/debit cards and trying to rectify some of my other losses (license, i.d.s, transport pass, etc). We had a delicious crepe lunch during which I contemplated what I lost, and what I still have, and had barely any trouble deciding that I won't dwell on the losing of my purse. With that decision made, I grabbed all of my freshly-written to-do lists and headed to Neil's to charge my computer, (my charger had stopped working). When I finally arrived at Neil's good luck struck again: my charger started working! We later set off to make another set of keys to replace mine, and after finding the place to be closed decided to cut our losses and make some mashed potatoes instead, so that's exactly what we did. They were delicious and I fell asleep ten minutes into the Hangover which is a successful night in my opinion.

Tonight I just want to lay in bed and read and dream, but it IS a Friday and the amount of peer pressure in Budapest is immense... let me tell you. We'll see how it goes...

My travels!

Amsterdam was a pleasant surprise- I had been expecting dark, scary streets, but was delighted to find pretty snow and bright blue sky as well as a very tourist-friendly city. I found a great flea market where I finally bought the headphones I have been needing, (too bad I lost them in my purse). Our hostel was okay but we slept below a couple that almost NEVER left the room and I did find it a bit awkward, especially when we came back to the room flying high after a trip to one of the coffee shops. I did some shopping here too, which is always a pleasure.

Brussels made me one happy girl. We only spent a few hours out in the city but the people were warm and welcoming and I can't wait to travel to other parts of Belgium and see if this is a general trend. The waffles were delicious, if even a bit too sweet. The beer was tasty, (I think that means a lot coming from the opposite of a beer fan!). We also bought some chocolate, of course, which I later tried and deemed tasty.

London captured my heart. The Londoners, the streets, the buildings, the shopping, it's all for me. We did a small pubcrawl which was absolutely fun because I finally got to see my friends break it down on the dance floor! We met a lot of great people that night, and weren't too hungover to miss our walking tour the next day. Unfortunately I misheard the guide and so got us separated from the group but... lost isn't always a bad thing. The sleeping situation in London wasn't quite ideal: I stayed in a 12-bed room with 11 French people, (we love the French), because I booked separately from my friends, but aside from the crazy French guys and their crazy French ways, all was well.

Today I:
made a cake
took two baths
caught up on some picture uploading
hung postcards
downloaded One Love

I'm out of patience. Au revoir!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Mission of Critical Importance

So, Operation No-Wait-Time was unsuccessful.

I’ve done a lot of flying over the past few months, and the good news is that I absolutely adore flying. Really. I love the takeoffs, especially that moment when the plane taxis onto the runway and stops completely for a moment and then all of a sudden you hear the roar of the engines and you’re sucked back into your seat as the plane goes 0 to airborne in seconds. I also enjoy the landings. Maybe it’s an adrenaline thing, but I like the way my heart pounds when we get inches away from the tarmack and everyone’s waiting for the touchdown. For some reason, no matter how rested I am, I never have trouble dozing off, even on flights that aren’t even two hours long. Maybe I am just naïve, but I don’t mind riding with clouds between my knees. I also don’t really mind going through security. It’s always bewildering to me when I get pulled aside and double-frisked, have my carry-on gone through, or beep on my way through the metal detectors, (I think that may be a result of my habit of eating change as a child; also I’m not sure how many times you can accidentally throw your razor in your carryon before you get placed on the terrorist watch list). Bewilderment aside, it’s mildly amusing to me. There is one thing I really don’t care for, one thing that I decided to find my way around: the 1-2 hours of waiting time between security and boarding. Airport check-in almost always begins 2 hours before scheduled departure. Most people show up a bit before this and by the time it nears the 2 hour pre-departure mark, almost everyone taking the flight is already in line ready to check their baggage and head through security. After making it through the check in line, it’s time to move onto the security line. Once through security it’s then time to wait for the boarding call, which usually comes 30 minutes prior to scheduled departure. Depending on your position in the check-in line, you could have anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours to wait until boarding begins for your flight. After dutifully making sure you arrive to the airport at least 2 hours before the flight, it seems like such an awful waste to me- not to mention boring time- to be sitting for that time period, just waiting for the boarding call. Anyway, I decided I was going to be bold this time, and attempt to make myself just late enough to avoid at least 30 minutes of that waiting time, (Oh so bold of me!). My flight was scheduled to leave at 10:45am, and I rounded the approximate time for a cab ride from my apartment to the airport up to about 30 minutes. I calculated my airport arrival time to be 9:15am and once through check in and security, I would hopefully have no more than 45 minutes to wait until boarding. I was up by 7:45am and on schedule, but somehow time slipped past me and by the time I checked the clock it was already 8:45 and I hadn’t even called a taxi yet. With an eyelash curler in one hand clamped onto my right eye, and my cell pressed to my left ear I speed-dialed Taxi 4 and reached to turn down my music. The phone rang. And rang. And rang. After about a minute and a half I finally hung up, cursing the phone operators who literally have ONE job to do, and ignoring the slight feeling of panic rising up in my stomach, proceeded to move on to curling my left eyelashes. A minute later I tried to phone Taxi 4 again and after waiting a slightly shorter time for an answer, I gave in to the panic and hung up to google another taxi co. After no immediate luck on my google search I glanced at the clock (near 9am) and rushed to jam my hair dryer and blanket into my bag. Feeling more panic and a hint of desperation I hit send one more time and waited. After quite a few rings, I got an answer, and within a few minutes my cab had arrived. I got downstairs, loaded my bag and self into the car and my cab driver shut me in, slamming the door as he said “Moment!”. I waited in the car as he went into the store and came back a few minutes after with what he later offered to me as “breakfast”. By the time we left the apartment it was 9:15am but my nerves were calmed a bit by the fact that we were on the road and not more than 30 minutes from the airport. Little did I know… Every time I taxi to/from the airport my drivers take a different route. I’ve even had the same driver three times, but a different route each time. I don’t know what it depends on- the traffic, the weather, the phase of the moon, but bottom line: it’s something I am used to now, so I wasn’t the least bit alarmed when the driver took a left where I expected a right and headed into unfamiliar territory. I did, however, feel a slight stirring in my stomach when 20 minutes had passed and still no sign of the highway connecting the inner city with the outskirts and airport. By the time we reached a strip of freeway that I recognized, I could gauge that we were still at least 5-10 minutes away from the terminal. It was 9:45. I had resigned myself to accept the fact that I couldn’t make the taxi arrive any sooner, but when we zoomed past the left turn for terminal 1, my slight panic was back in full force. Turns out I was flying from a different terminal and I had neglected to discover that they weren’t at the same location. By the time I was dropped off and into the terminal, it was deserted of all passengers. Not sure which desk to step up to I chose the one on my left (I always choose my left), and tentatively handed up my passport. I checked to make sure that I was in the right place, and his surprised reply was “Amsterdam? Just in time,” along with a smile. He printed my boarding pass, stamped ‘10am’ and let me know that boarding would be beginning any minute. Feeling relieved and a bit silly at the same time I mumbled something about my cab driver and he smiled some more and sent me through security. Security check was uneventful. There was not a single person in line and I was through in seconds. At this point I was riding the high of my nerves and actually feeling quite pleased with myself for bypassing the lines and needless waiting. Boarding was set to begin at 10:15 so I grabbed some fruit and a newspaper and sat down prepared to wait the remaining 10 minutes. Instead, I waited another hour and ten minutes thanks to a delay caused by the snow that had just began to fall when my cab pulled up to the terminal. Once boarding began we were off the runway and into the air in no time. My flight arrived an hour late, but safe and uneventful. Anyway, I declare Operation No-Wait-Time a FAILURE.*

I hope no one actually read through this.


*mission that needs to be retested

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things I'm Not Thinking About

This blog definitely does not have enough lists to be representative of my mind. Here's a list of the things I am currently NOT thinking about:

fish oil properties
my nauseous stomach
the limits of human reason
the Script
the existence of God
saying no
tough decisions
honesty as a rule
my roommate
Sexgod and agape love
my broken backpack
what I will do if I don't turn out to be everything I want
if relationships ever end
my own strength
where all my pens went
Simple Man
my car
mistakes I can't take back
my hair
past jobs/future jobs

I don't want to not think anymore.

It's the End Where I Begin


Today is the first, and hopefully last day of the BKV strike. (BKV is the Budapest transit company). According to the emails, no busses are running, the trams are few and far between, but metros and cable line busses are unaffected. I decided not to risk it, and ordered sushi instead of doing the grocery shopping that I've been putting off for a week now. I've also taken this as a sign that it's okay to take a cab to the airport tomorrow morning, which is so much nicer than the metro/bus alternative.

For some reason the past few days all I've wanted to do is read and watch movies. Not even really intelligent reading either- the kind of reading where you start at one article on wikipedia and then just click links from there... I did manage to start War and Peace, but I have just about 2,000 pages to go. Literally. In the meantime, I've watched Pulp Fiction, P.S. I Love You, Inglourious Basterds, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and too many episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Somehow I've still managed to get my laundry and cleaning mostly done, and I found the time to fall in love with the Script. The Script is a semi-famous band from Dublin who sings songs about love-lost and other things that make my head spin.

In traditional Emily-style, I decided that today was a good time to start planning for six months from now. I rediscovered my love of craigslist and searched through housing ads for a while. I found a lovely place for myself, Kaylynn, and the puppy we will have, (a Samoyed whose name is still being debated). Pet-friendly, close to school, big yard, fireplace, and perfect kitchen for cookie baking! I've also decided not to graduate. Calm down parents... I still plan on graduating one day, but not within next year, as I had originally planned. I decided I don't know nearly enough history, French, and economics to graduate at this point (or in two semester's time). I've decided to embrace the fact that this puts me in Sac for another two years.

Back to real-time: I need to pack still; seven days of Eurotrip! I am so excited for London... I hope she likes me. I am most definitely ready to see my friends again. This week and a half of sleeping in our empty flat (with the exception of one sleepover) is NOT my style. Also my face has conspired, (along with my lack of motivation to stop eating sweets), to make sure that I never have another boyfriend again, and my breakout is so bad that I am fairly convinced that people won't believe me when I tell them I don't have chicken pox. What's a girl to do? Two weeks until a new roommate (fingers crossed). Three weeks until a new semester, new exchange students, and new study habits ; ). I'm feeling a bit lost, I think there's been too much winter break for me, if such a thing is possible.


p.s. On the title: sounds like a riddle but it's more like a prayer. In all actuality, it's the title of one of the Script's songs that I just can't stop playing.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Opposite of Feng Shui

Hello hello hello!

So, all my travel is booked and the countdown has begun. In just a few hours (46?) I will be biking the streets of Amsterdam with my lovely amigas, then seeing the sights of Brussels, and finally settling down for some tea with Her Majesty. Then it's back to Budapest and time to prepare for another semester. Speaking of British things, I made an English friend this weekend who definitely lives in London. BAM. Tourguide.

Before I leave there are still a few things to do. I've been, (slowly and rather inefficiently) trying to clean the flat, really clean it. So yesterday I attacked the bathroom with a knife and a bottle of bleach, and it turns out my bathtub basically repels bleach and other harsh chemicals. Really! I mean, I'm a bit impressed but really there comes a point where you just want your bathtub to sparkle and when that's not happening but your bathroom reeks of bleach it's just not a good situation for anyone. So that's where I was yesterday. The knife helped a bit. After a talk with Momma I've decided to have another go at it when I get back. This time with even more chemicals and powders and brute force.

Moving on to other things that no one cares about but me- last night was gorgeous in Budapest. It wasn't too cold and not even the slightest bit windy so I walked for a ways. As pretty as it was, it's still gives me a bit of a weird feeling to stare up and see no stars. There's just black. It's a bit like someone painted the sky into place, but forgot to add them in.
I guess I'm just missing my West Coast night sky... No sense lingering there.
About Zumba- I haven't Zumbaed again. I know! That's not follow-through- But I did admit it so I think that's come accountability. After some thought on the matter, I decided that I'm not very fond of the man in the Zumba video. He's kinda expecting a lot seeing as I'm not a salsa dancer and don't have his Colombian genes! I found a different workout that I want to try. So today, it gets tried.

I miss my phone, a lot. BUT- I got crushed ice today. A lot of it. And that is a beautiful thing.

Two days! Time to clean, wash, budget, make life plans, hydrate, pack, grocerize, get swept off of my feet (which are freezing right now) by Prince Charming and live happily ever after.
I might need more than two days...


Friday, January 8, 2010

the Progress of 2010- UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Like the title implies, I am still working on this (highly personal) list.

To Do in 2010:

-Learn self-defense

-Take French lessons

-Read ten classics

-Hike Mt. Lassen

-Buy a tambourine

Truths for Me, Light Reading for You

So first of all: Zumba! Like I said I would, I did my first Zumba workout yesterday. The good news- Zumba is totally fun, and definitely some good cardio. The bad news- all that dancing made me want to go out and dance, so instead of finishing the tape I finished a beer and went out. Don't worry though, I came up with a solution to what could have been a recurring problem; I'll do my Zumba in the morning and/or midday, and steer clear of evenings.

In the midst of my beginning-blogging I have been wondering a bit about why people blog, why blogs are so popular. I've come to the logical conclusion that it's different for everyone. (Round of applause for my cleverness). But really, whatever the reasons, I think they always involve two things, however subliminally. And those two things are a desire for communication, to be heard, to bridge the gap; and self-knowledge. I've read in the Prophet "Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights. But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge. You would know in words that which you have always know in thought." It's a little crazy to assume that throwing thoughts out into the abyss of the world wide web makes them more legitimate or recognizable self-truths, but I can go with it. Everyone else has...

Lately I've been lucky enough to be experiencing some growing pains. I say lucky because who shouldn't be thankful for progress? Despite that, there's something about being oceans away from every person who has known you for at least more than five months, that makes the tugging and pulling of growing pains hurt just a little more. I suppose that's the protein shake to my self-growth diet. : ) Anyway, I'm starting to realize how making difficult decisions and dealing with their consequences are growth hormones in themselves.

More new business: I learned to make crepes. Granted, it's much more simple than I ever thought. Now all I need is some groceries so I have something to put inside the crepes, (I can only eat so much Nutella before I'm missing peanut butter with a passion). Also, crepes and my new Zumba workouts are archenemies since I don't think taking multivitamins makes up for the fact that crepes have absolutely no nutritional value. What's a girl to do?

It's the afternoon already, I am loving my no-commitments January! Time for travel booking, Zumba, and other things that will lead up to a great night at Szimpla.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And So It Begins

So, I originally made this blog a few months ago with the intention of posting regular updates to friends and family about my life and travels while here in Hungary. Since this is my first post, clearly that didn't work out as I had planned. Because any readers I could possibly have will be immediate family, I don't feel the need to give a synopsis of the first half of my trip. Instead, this blog will be a fresh start along with everything else stamped "2010".

Last night was one of the worst nights of sleep I have had in a while. I was up until 3:30, and again at 4:30 for uncertain goodbyes and ended up spending some time out in the beautiful Budapest snow. Eventually I was able to get some sleep and after waking up I have decided to give this day purpose. This is a day for cleaning, planning, organizing, and the beginnings of following through. With that said, I will make a list of at least ten things I want to work towards throughout this year, and I will have it posted by the 13th. How's that for exciting reading? : )

In fact, I already have the feeling that this blog will turn into my virtual to-do list, since I think in plans anyway.
The snow is still flurrying down like dandruff of the clouds. I don't know if I could ever get tired of opening my eyes to snow-covered rooftops across the street.

Oh well. Now- cleaning, organizing, and Brand New. Tonight- a snowy walk, hot chocolate, Newsweek, and Nietzsche!


UPDATE- I decided to add -Zumba- to my 2010 list. First workout tomorrow. Details to come!