Friday, January 22, 2010

"There Ain't No Good Guy, There Ain't No Bad Guy, There's Only You and Me and We Just Disagree"

I am back in Budapest! I arrived late Tuesday night, just in time to go out Wednesday, and foolishly withdraw the second part of my rent money before engaging in a vicious snowball fight in the streets outside Szimpla and effectively losing my purse and its contents in their entirety. That loss aside, the heaters are now fixed in the flat which means I can now comfortably frolic barefoot anywhere in the flat without worrying about cold toes! Thursday I set to work on canceling my credit/debit cards and trying to rectify some of my other losses (license, i.d.s, transport pass, etc). We had a delicious crepe lunch during which I contemplated what I lost, and what I still have, and had barely any trouble deciding that I won't dwell on the losing of my purse. With that decision made, I grabbed all of my freshly-written to-do lists and headed to Neil's to charge my computer, (my charger had stopped working). When I finally arrived at Neil's good luck struck again: my charger started working! We later set off to make another set of keys to replace mine, and after finding the place to be closed decided to cut our losses and make some mashed potatoes instead, so that's exactly what we did. They were delicious and I fell asleep ten minutes into the Hangover which is a successful night in my opinion.

Tonight I just want to lay in bed and read and dream, but it IS a Friday and the amount of peer pressure in Budapest is immense... let me tell you. We'll see how it goes...

My travels!

Amsterdam was a pleasant surprise- I had been expecting dark, scary streets, but was delighted to find pretty snow and bright blue sky as well as a very tourist-friendly city. I found a great flea market where I finally bought the headphones I have been needing, (too bad I lost them in my purse). Our hostel was okay but we slept below a couple that almost NEVER left the room and I did find it a bit awkward, especially when we came back to the room flying high after a trip to one of the coffee shops. I did some shopping here too, which is always a pleasure.

Brussels made me one happy girl. We only spent a few hours out in the city but the people were warm and welcoming and I can't wait to travel to other parts of Belgium and see if this is a general trend. The waffles were delicious, if even a bit too sweet. The beer was tasty, (I think that means a lot coming from the opposite of a beer fan!). We also bought some chocolate, of course, which I later tried and deemed tasty.

London captured my heart. The Londoners, the streets, the buildings, the shopping, it's all for me. We did a small pubcrawl which was absolutely fun because I finally got to see my friends break it down on the dance floor! We met a lot of great people that night, and weren't too hungover to miss our walking tour the next day. Unfortunately I misheard the guide and so got us separated from the group but... lost isn't always a bad thing. The sleeping situation in London wasn't quite ideal: I stayed in a 12-bed room with 11 French people, (we love the French), because I booked separately from my friends, but aside from the crazy French guys and their crazy French ways, all was well.

Today I:
made a cake
took two baths
caught up on some picture uploading
hung postcards
downloaded One Love

I'm out of patience. Au revoir!


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